Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2012

It is...jewell box of PERFORMANCE!!/ to R mansion

Their performance was filled with glittering atmosphere.

(photo by Y.I)

With 4 member's unique characteristics combined, to R mansion is able to bring the audiences into their dreamy world.
Various scenes unfold from one minute to the next.
At one scene, a headless-man quickly changed to beautiful woman,
and in another, there was car-chasing, which is a scene from a famous movie.
Their teamwork worked well. Any move meant something so you can't miss any of them.
Also, their concern for staff or audience was very nice.
We asked them why, and they told us, "because we like people."

This is the first year for them to perform in the "ON-stage" division.
They enphasized, "Please suport us for a long time!"

I believe that they will take part in making the DAIDOGEI color at Shizuoka for future.


(photo by Y.I)

2012Festival Report in English / 2012Artist
2012/11/03 06:24 PM
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