Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2012

You could be one of the performer!/Leandre

Audiences are waiting for Leandre to make an entrance, and suprisingly he comes out of the crowd.
He had blended into the crowd like a ghost, and that's why we could not know his presence.
Suddenly by a surprised voice of the audience, he makes his entrance on the stage.
His performance is not the same all the time!!
I can understand why he and his audiences match, he doesn't feel difficulty
by difference of language, because he mainly uses body language.
He engages his audience by using daily stuff.
The audience become confused when his or her name is called to join the performance, but when they finish their part,
we can see the accomplishment and feeling of unity on their faces.
Leandre has performed at this DAIDOGEI event before, and he likes it very much.
Would you like to be a performer?


2012Festival Report in English / 2012Artist
2012/11/03 06:14 PM
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