Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2011

Big and lovely butterfly comes to SHIZUOKA!!/Butterfly

One day, there is a ladybug which has a longing for a butterfly.
When he plays a toy of butterfly, suddenly a very very big and beautiful butterfly appeared in his presence with elegant music.

The ladybug and the audience are very surprised because she is so tall.

She started to walk gently with a well-balanced long legs.
She flutters her wings again and again and always smiling.
It is so charming!!

The ladybug are very happy because there is a real butterfly he has dreamed.
He danced with joy and carried her on his shoulders.

The performance he climbed her body and bring close faces enlivened everyone.
Their love romance enchanted the audience.

Butterfly will show a wonderful performance tomorrow and one after tomorrow too.
Would you come to her fantastic and romantic world ??


2011Festival Report in English / 2011Artist
2011/11/04 05:36 PM
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