Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2007

Antoine et Rocco's Strained Silent Stage

"I'm terribly sorry to tell you that the performance is delayed about
30 minutes. If you are in a hurry, I recomend you to move to the
next stage."

Even though the audience heard the announcement, the crowd
didn't get small at all. What have they been waiting? They were
waiting for Antoine et Rocco.

The stage was quiet when the performance began, and the
atmosphere tense. Two French guys in black suit appeared, and
started acrobat. As they looked nervous, we got nervous, too.
Antoine et Rocco climed up and down on the chinese poll. There
was a strained silence around the stage.

Although the performance was dark and tensed, Antoine and Rocco
themselves were really nice guys. They have been performing
together for 7 years since they met each other at the DAIDOGEI
World Cup. They said that Japanese audience was really
'Sympa'(nice), but they wanted more reaction from the audience.

The contrast of tense and friendliness...
This might be the secret of their popularity.


2007Report in English / 2007Performer
2007/11/01 06:30 PM
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