Festival Report The Masters of flame/ Hituke- フェスティバル レポート 2023

The Masters of flame/ Hituke-Tozoku (Fire Bandit)

Their show was performed at next to the castle gate. With Jazz music surrounding audiences, 4 people appeared.
They are the main characters of the performance. Hituke-Tozoku (Fire Bandit) is their name. The motions of fire will change like slowmow ballet to fastpaced breakdancing. Sensu (Japanese fan) made of fire is so flashy that all of audience will be excited. Hand clappig never stops.

A firedance is performed in front of audiences. Then two Samurai with fire swords appeared. The battle is literally heating up. What will happen to them...?

"We'll steal audience's mind!" NORI, the establisher and leader of Hituke-Tozoku, says. "The audiences of Shizuoka performance is kind enough to response well. And that will make us confident" he also said. "Performing under the sun is not easy and may not fun because almost all of the light of fire will be disappeared. Instead, We'll performe in the special night show"Spark" . It'll be more beautiful with the sunset." There is no way to go home without seeing such a great performance!! Everyone will be surprised at the powerful flamepole when they see that.

Written by Mr Tu

Pictures were taken by Shinohara at a night show.

2023 Festival Report in English
2023/11/05 03:51 PM
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