Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2011

Completeness and sensuality / DUO SCARLETTE

Two cute Canadians,Annie and Marieve swing in the air with "aerial square" which is very unique and shaped like a small pyramid.
Hung from a big crane approximately 10meters high,they have never felt scared.
No sooner had they appeared on the stage with moody music than the place and the large audience were filled with mysterious atmosphere within a second.

The main theme of their performance is completeness and sensuality.
Their movement fits so precisely that we never fail to feel the absolute perfection of beuty.
The last of their performance must take your breath away.

"Feminity comes from mind and spirit."they say.Training themselves yoga,they perform in the air of Shizuoka gracefully.


2011Festival Report in English / 2011Artist
2011/11/03 04:21 PM
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