Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2011

Come to see this great performance in the air! / Bencha

You can enjoy the special one by Bencha came from Holand at this Daidogei World Cup.

Bencha is a trio, consist of 2 ladies and a man.
Micka is from Sweden, Sarah is from Neatherland and Dimi is from Bulgaria.
They have performed in this World Cup last 3 years, and this is 4th time for them to come here in Shizuoka.

Their performance is like the mix of a contemporary dance and acrobatics.
They move in ribbons and a hoop from the sky as if they are dancing in the air.
You will be amazed by seeing the elegant perform like a ballet, and at the se time, powerful.

All the audience were fascinated by the dynamic performance in the sky.
The secret is their flexible body and the muscles which were built up from a hard training.
They train 4 days a week and their training time is 4 to 5 hours per day.

"The audience here in Shizuoka always smile. They are so sweet and I like them!", Micka said.
Salah said "Come and see our performance!" with a smile.
You will be attracted by seeing their smiles and great performance! (Romi & Naru)

2011Festival Report in English
2011/11/03 02:58 PM
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