Festival Report I wanna make you smile!/G- フェスティバル レポート 2011

I wanna make you smile!/G-nyo

Have you ever seen G-nyo's performance?
I'm sure you'll be smile if you see that.
He is a clown wearing colorful costume, and having a cute smile.
He shows you many kind of performance.
For example, making animals with ballons, juggling with balls, and balancing chairs on his forehead.

He was named G-nyo after a football player Ronaldinho.
He said "becouse Ronaldinho looks like he is having a lot of fun during a game"
Actually, he really enjoys performing.
Welcome to G-nyo world!

(Gatu, Aya)

2011Festival Report in English / 2011Artist
2011/11/06 04:00 PM
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