Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2009

Aiming to join the World cup class! MARO!!

Maro has been performing at a theater or a stage, and
this is his first time to perform on a street.

His show facinates the audience with his body, music, and the balls.
Especially, the show with the 11 crystal balls is amazing!

He says that the last 6 minutes is the main part of the show
and he really wants the audience to see that part.

He also says that the audience in Shizuoka is so nice and they really get into the show
so he feels glad while his performing.

Maybe you might see him in the world cup class in few years.
Now, let's go and see Maro's fabulous art!


2009Festival Report in English / 2009Artist
2009/11/01 02:11 PM
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