Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2008

An acrobatic show with full of laughter! / Kojare ta Futari

This famous husband-wife team is now performing for their third time in the Daidougei World Cup. Many of their faithful fans have come from far away to see their performance.

We interviewed a family from the audience before the performance.
"We saw "Kojare ta Futari"'s show last year and our daughter really liked it and wanted to see it again so we bought a guide book and found where they perfom", said the father.

The highlight of the show is the finale, in which Kojrae te Futari use a ladder which revolves between a horizontal bar.They juggle three clubs on the ladder when the ladder is horizontal,
and swing on the ladder while it revolves. Throughout the performance they are always smiling, as if they're just playing around having a good time..

We interviewed them after the show and asked, "Isn't it scary?"
"It is!", they answered, faces drenched in sweat. "We might look we're having fun while doing it, but our act is really dangerous. If either of us makes a mistake, we could both be seriously injured."

Lastly ,they said "This is an acrobatics show, but we want to offer a show that has a sense of humor. We hope everyone will have fun and laugh when they watch the show."
During the show, they asked for volunteers from the audience, and tried to get the audience involved in the show with humor. We felt ourselves absorbed in their performance from
start to finish.

(Risa,Shizuru &Janathan)

2008Festival Report in English / 2008Artist
2008/11/02 07:11 PM
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