Festival Report フェスティバル レポート 2006

Junge, Junge! Und Derroemer

Junge, Junge! Und Derroemer won the silver prize last year with
their magically comical performance. Talking and posing for photos
with their fans, the other reason for their success has to be the
respect they have for their fans here.

2006Report in English / 2006Performer
2006/11/04 08:23 PM

Andy Gebhardt

Andy Gebhardt peforms not only in his country, but also world wide.
He has been an entertainer for 10 years. The audience were
utterly enthralled by his world-class juggling.

Surprisingly, he speak Japanese in his stage from the beginning to
end, the audience were very impressed by that!!

His rapport with the people from all the world over is
something precious. At this time, he might have consideration for
the Japanese audience, and shows a tender heart and gentle smiling.


2006Report in English / 2006Performer
2006/11/04 06:44 PM

He's back! - Craftman2

He joins this event as a different character every year. He even
changes his name too, and has come back to Shizuoka as
"craftman 2" this year. Actually, he's been particitating in this
festival since its second year. This year, he showed up in the
orange work cloths and wearing a helmet. The audience laughed
at the strange noise which is made when craftman 2 moved.

This boy who was chosen by craftman 2 looked happy because he
was able to do a balloon performance with him. And the other guy
who was also chosen by him was so surprised because craftman 2
took bunch of tools out of his jacket. He amazed the audience by
various performance in addition to the wonderful mime.

"Mime is universal. I enjoy miming through different characters
every year. My performance takes hints from regular life." he said.
What is his next character?


2006Report in English / 2006Performer
2006/11/04 06:31 PM

That's Life! Iryna

Iryna, who is the only female performer in Ukraine both of tap
dance and juggle, is a very charming lady. Her performance is so
comical, pretty, and also heartwarming.

She is also known as a female performer of Chaplin. It is unusual for
female to perform Chaplin. She started to do tap dance and juggle
around 13 years old, and then do performance as Chaplin for this
6 years. I asked her why she chose to do performance as Chaplin.
Basically,She is a big fun of Chaplin. When she saw his performance,
she was so excited. Chaplin is a well-known great performer. His
performance is not just a comedy, but also contains sarcasm.

She agreed with that point. "My life is not always comedy. That's
why I do Chaplin". Just as she feels it so, the audience must
have same feelings too. She wants to be a performer who is familier
to audience. That's why she chose Chaplin.

Why don't you go to see her performance?
"Everything is going to be OK. If it's not OK, it's not the end"
You could feel it!

2006Report in English / 2006Performer
2006/11/04 05:50 PM
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